Free Kindness Cards Available Here To Help You Share The Love.

Free Kindness Cards Available Here To Help You Share The Love.
Feel free to save this card and print it ready to give out when you are kind to someone else. Log on to this site and say what you've done and hopefully your recipient will log on too.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Act of Kindness Received!

I was delighted to open the pages of Spirit and Destiny magazine last week to discover a mention of this blog! It made my day to see my hard work appreciated! So if you followed the mention and landed on my blog, welcome to the kindness zone!

I'd really like to get you all commiting to acts of kindness yourselves and passing on those that you receive to others. If you see someone struggling in the street, don't leave it to someone else-they are in your view because it's you who can help them. Every time you do something good for someone else, tell them you'd like them to pass on the act of kindness in some way to someone else. 

For example, if you see someone struggling with their shopping, offer to lend a hand. When they accept, why not give them 2 kindness cards, one that they can use to pass the kindness on and one to keep to register the act of kindness they received on this blog. I'll shortly be uploading cards that you can print yourself to make passing on the act of kindness so much easier.

Spread the kindness lovely people and together we can make our communities a happy place to wake up every morning!